THE story begins like this,,
when i was watching some videos(again??) in my room,,
there was a cockroach flying,wandering n circling all over my room..
I felt a little bit scared + tickled of that cockroach..
Then,,i grabbed a badminton racket on my cupboard quickly!!(as a precaution)
In order if the cockroach attack me!!(negatif thinking)^_^!!
Suddenly,,the cockroach did approaching me right after it finish visiting my room!!
I felt so scared that I just pushed the cockroach with the racket that's in my hand unknowingly..

My tears fell down right on the spot..
I felt like i'm so cruel to the cockroach..

I felt truly guilty..What i've done??I didn't dare to look at that cockroach situation..
It floundered on the floor..I can't stop my tears from falling down seeing that..
I felt really pity,,so I decided to kill it immedietely so that it won't be suferring too long..
Then I swept it away!!
In the morning,,
I told my mum about that..
After telling her that,,I felt so happy..

It's bcoz she said,,maybe the cockroach already being hitted by the fan before I pushed it away..
Maybe she's right,,bcoz the cockrooach was flying before that..
Then,,it suddenly fell down n approaching me..
I felt very happy that it's not totally my fault..
Yeah~it does make sense coz i know i didn't pushed it hard!!
What a relieve!!The conclusion is,,I'm not a cruel girl..Hehe!!^_^!!
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