Wanna hear a funny story..
(story telling again n again..hehe!)
But I can't help it,,coz i love story telling..
If u r sick of it,,then just ignore this post..haha..
This is a very old story..
It happened when I was 10(maybe)
It's about my little brother who was 6 years old on that time..
It was early in the morning,,(about 2 or 3am)
My brother was waking up my mum coz he said he wanted to pee..
(he ask my mum to accompany him..he's such a coward boy..haha..)
My mum told him to just go to the nearest toilet..
(my mum is really tired to wake up)
Then he just went to the toilet with his eyes closed..

Then,,he saw my little bro came to his sleeping place n continue his sleep..
My mum wondered,,who opened the refrigerator just now coz she only saw my bro who's awake on that time..
Out of her curiousity,,she went to the kitchen to check it out..
There's no one in the kitchen..
She then opened the refrigerator,,
n she's really suprised to smell a urine scent..
She saw that all the food that's placed at the bottom part in the refrigerator are wet..
She then knew n realized that my little bro who's half-conscious,,peed in the refrigerator..
Maybe he mistakenly thought that it's a toilet..
(coz the toilet is close to the refrigerator)!!Haha..^_^!
My mum just laughed when she thought of that..
But she felt that it's such a waste coz she had to throw away all the food at the bottom part..
N she also had to clean up the refrigerator..Huhu..
In the morning,,(about 7am maybe)
When all the family members were having their breakfast before going to school,,my mum told us the story..
We laughed at him,,n that makes he felt embarassed..
Hehehe..Pity him..But it's too funny for us..
How can a person be entered for a refrigerator with a toilet?
So hilarious rite??Haha!^_^!